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Corps Security launches a thermal imaging tool to monitor temperature
Release Time:2020-06-06 09:55:23 | Browse Number:4013

Abnormal body temperature

The millisecond response means people have no reason to adapt their behaviour as they enter a facility, so business efficiency is unaffected. To support the implementation of this technology, Corps Security has invested in a bespoke training programme for site-based colleagues who will manage the solution, as well as new standard operating procedures to support rapid deployment.

Because the technology is non-contact, there is no risk for either the organisation’s people or security personnel. Security officers are immediately alerted when an abnormal body temperature has been detected, and provided with an image of the person enabling them to sensitively approach the individual.

Supporting business continuity

As organisations start to plan for the reoccupation of their facilities post the lockdown restrictions, thermal imaging cameras will be an essential tool to support business continuity while keeping people safe, said Mike Bullock, CEO of Corps Security.

The Chief Medical Officer for England, Professor Chris Whitty, has said, “It is ‘wholly unrealistic’ to expect life would suddenly return to normal so organisations of all sizes need to plan for a different approach to building occupation. This is one of a number of tools that can help them.”

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